
Portrait picture of Elisabeth Karsten in nature, text with date of birth and death

Parting words

1200 800 Elisabeth Karsten

Elisabeth passed away on April 02, 2023. Here you can find her farewell words and further information.

Coloured flock of sheep

Which archetypes are ‘hot’ right now?

736 445 Elisabeth Karsten

All historical periods have their archetypes – certain patterns of human expression. Which of these are important for us now?


Conscious Loving Manifestation

640 640 Elisabeth Karsten

BELIMA offers new approaches and opportunities to manifest the world we desire and to exercise the conscious living within this new framework.


1920 1280 Elisabeth Karsten

I am often asked what to do in these challenging times. Powerful prayers are definitely a great contribution to betterment!

Suffering as an exam task for all

1920 1280 Elisabeth Karsten

Suffering seems to become a new Olympic discipline – how do we deal with it? Within ourself but also with others?

The Hero´s Journey in our Turbulent Times

1920 1337 Elisabeth Karsten

It is time to explore our current hero´s journey more deeply, for it offers helpful perspectives and insights regarding our present lives.


Professions with a future

1920 1279 Elisabeth Karsten

Our world is currently undergoing a big change. What new professions does our future hold in store?

A Story From A Possible Future

1920 1280 Elisabeth Karsten

Our current life situation often seems somewhat grim – time to cast an optimistic glance into the future!

Soul-Selfie: What a Masquerade!

1920 1280 Elisabeth Karsten

Mask yes or now? Opinions differ on this question and the conflict makes us ill – united we´d all be healthier!

On Peace and Freedom

1920 1280 Elisabeth Karsten

What we once took for granted is becoming more restricted every day. What are we willing to do for peace and freedom?