
Portrait picture of Elisabeth Karsten in nature, text with date of birth and death

Parting words

1200 800 Elisabeth Karsten

Elisabeth passed away on April 02, 2023. Here you can find her farewell words and further information.

Huffy air pumps

1920 1200 Elisabeth Karsten

To vainly indulge in a lack of talent with great self-confidence and without competence is a disregard for creation – I think.

Suffering as an exam task for all

1920 1280 Elisabeth Karsten

Suffering seems to become a new Olympic discipline – how do we deal with it? Within ourself but also with others?

On Peace and Freedom

1920 1280 Elisabeth Karsten

What we once took for granted is becoming more restricted every day. What are we willing to do for peace and freedom?

Soul-Selfie: The art of being spiritually annoyed

1920 1280 Elisabeth Karsten

To get annoyed if you consider yourself spiritual is considered a flaw. However being annoyed and annoying others can make us so human…

Ein Haufen bunter Zettel, alle mit Option beschriftet

Practical exercise for decision making

1920 1357 Elisabeth Karsten

This small practical exercise for decision making saves a lot of debate and thinking because the best solution becomes experiential.

Self-esteem Booster

1920 1343 Elisabeth Karsten

The self esteem booster are exercises to strengthen your sense of self. They´re easy and most efficient. Just give them a try!