To vainly indulge in a lack of talent with great self-confidence and without competence is a disregard for creation – I think.
Many fear diseases, but they serve our health if you decode their message and put it into practise!
All historical periods have their archetypes – certain patterns of human expression. Which of these are important for us now?
BELIMA offers new approaches and opportunities to manifest the world we desire and to exercise the conscious living within this new framework.
Suffering seems to become a new Olympic discipline – how do we deal with it? Within ourself but also with others?
It is time to explore our current hero´s journey more deeply, for it offers helpful perspectives and insights regarding our present lives.
The Holy Nights between Christmas and January 6th are a special time. Especially this year and we can make use of it!
What we once took for granted is becoming more restricted every day. What are we willing to do for peace and freedom?
Praying with a clear vision in mind can make your desired future become actually manifest. Especially if we unite in this.
In tough times we appreciate the people all the more who love us for who we are – no matter how difficult our life happens to be at the moment!