
Huffy air pumps

1920 1200 Elisabeth Karsten

To vainly indulge in a lack of talent with great self-confidence and without competence is a disregard for creation – I think.

Many animals

Our sick approach to sickness

2000 1400 Elisabeth Karsten

Many fear diseases, but they serve our health if you decode their message and put it into practise!

Coloured flock of sheep

Which archetypes are ‘hot’ right now?

736 445 Elisabeth Karsten

All historical periods have their archetypes – certain patterns of human expression. Which of these are important for us now?


Conscious Loving Manifestation

640 640 Elisabeth Karsten

BELIMA offers new approaches and opportunities to manifest the world we desire and to exercise the conscious living within this new framework.

Soul-Selfie about a piercing question

1920 1440 Elisabeth Karsten

The divisive question regarding the vaccination seems ominpresent and inevitable. How can we handle it in a constructive and loving way?

The Holy Nights in 2020/21

1920 1079 Elisabeth Karsten

The Holy Nights between Christmas and January 6th are a special time. Especially this year and we can make use of it!

On Peace and Freedom

1920 1280 Elisabeth Karsten

What we once took for granted is becoming more restricted every day. What are we willing to do for peace and freedom?

Ein Ei aufrecht auf zwei verschränkten Gabeln stehend

Personal Balance Check

1920 1531 Elisabeth Karsten

Stressed out? Out of balance? A simple exercise helps to check on your inner balance and if need is, to regain it consciously. Try it out!

The power of the vesica

800 544 Elisabeth Karsten

The vesica is an ancient symbol, well known in geometry and art history and diverse in its meaning – to me a powerful base for my logo.

An Inflammation Of Consciousness

960 654 Elisabeth Karsten

Sexism creates many tensions that are a social problem of our society. However the solution is an individual matter. The question is – how?