Gods of Balance

Exploration of our development in consciousness.
Where are we? Where do we want to go?
And how can we get there?

When is world relationship day?

580 386 Elisabeth Karsten

When I came to my Qi gong class yesterday, another female participant congratulated me because of “World Women´s Day”! I was a bit surprised, because I did not actually feel…

Balance has a colour

610 458 Elisabeth Karsten

This blog is dedicated to the perception of balance by Michael Roads. He actually sees it as a color! But first a little digression. As some of my readers may…

The Value of Life?

150 150 Elisabeth Karsten

As mentioned in the previous article here a thought, that deserves a more detailed discussion in my opinion. What is life worth to us? There are so many contradictions To…

…Beginning of the alert zone!

514 523 Elisabeth Karsten

Dealing with the terror requires a higher awareness of our emotions. The more intensely I deal with it and the more closely I observe my environment the more I realize…

End of the comfort zone

644 570 Elisabeth Karsten

For a long time terror seemed to be something far from our daily lives. But the so-called crisis areas seem to expand ever more. In midoctober a friend from Israel…


Let´s be imperialistic

616 888 Elisabeth Karsten

I must confess, I don´t really like Halloween… And I particularly don´t like the fact that it is changing our own local traditions – and I happen to have experienced…

Transcendental secrets of sardins in oil or slithering for peace.

1920 2219 Elisabeth Karsten

In my steady endeavor to bring the masculine and feminine within myself and my life into a healthy balance, I recently decided to partake again in a Tantra workshop. As…

Inner balance and the mandatory media fee

800 523 Elisabeth Karsten

In Germany we have a mandatory fee for the payment of public radio and television – about 20 Euros per month per household. No matter whether you make use of…

From the Venus with penis to Conchita Wurst, Part 2

568 652 Elisabeth Karsten

Challenging society and entertainment go well together: the theatre stage has always been a place where things were dared and said that were unfathomable in daily life… Dressing up and…

From the venus with penis to Conchita Wurst, Part 1

930 1389 Elisabeth Karsten

The “continuum between the polarities of male-female/masculine-feminine” that I mentioned in the previous article probably exists just as long as we have both genders. And depending on which time and…
