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Active Thought Hygiene

1920 1357 Elisabeth Karsten

What ever runs through our minds the whole day long, the permanent inner dialogue, is an expression of how we think about ourselves and the world. Whatever gets our attention also receives our energy and uploads itself like an activated computer program into our experiential reality. If our experiences match our desires, needs and abilities, then it’s wonderful. However if that is not the case, it’s high time to change the ‘software’ and start conscious and active thought hygiene:

Watch the inner monologue without judgment

At first it is all about observing and listening to yourself neutrally what you are saying to yourself internally and sometimes externally all day long, becoming aware of what it does to you.

When the day already begins negatively internally:

“I wished I had slept better…I feel crucified…now the damned toothpaste is empty…where is my other sock…I do have to buy new socks…shopping, jeez I hate going clothes shopping…whatever I like, doesn’t fit me, what fits me I don’t like…and it’s gonna cost a fortune…and I have a meeting with x today which will be pointless yet again. He is simply an idiot, there is nothing you can do about it…it’s going to be a shitty day again! I just know it!” etc.etc.

This day does indeed offer little chance for an uplifting and joyful experience.

Start the day positively!

In order for the day to even stand a chance, the thought train should run something like this:

“What a gorgeous day! I’m sure it’s going to be great! I didn’t sleep so well, but with a nice shower and a good cup of coffee (tea or smoothie…) I will be fit in no time! Oh, and the toothpaste is empy – damn. Nevermind, I may still have some in my necessaire, otherwise I’ll just rinse my teeth properly with water and make a mental note to get some when I’m at the supermarket later on!

…And the second sock has hidden itself away very well again…Time that I treat myself to new socks…Going shopping wasn’t really my cup of tea so far, and certainly not clothes shopping, but this is happily allowed to change! This time I’ll immediately go into the stores, where I like the clothes. I’ll look first for the items on sale – perhaps I’ll suprisingly come across something that I like, that fits and has an affordable cost! I now open myself to this! And I’m going to meet with X, he is an idiot – oups I revoke – X and I don’t get along too well but I ask for an impulse on how we can have a more productive communication. There must be a way! I choose to find it! I’m curious how this day will unfold! I have no idea how, but I’m open to it becoming a great day!

Switch from complaining to opening for the good stuff

In order for switching from the inner complaints to the unfolding of the highest potential a willingness to change, patience, self indulgence and exercise are required: to a certain degree pessimism and optimism are also a habit!

Watch your words and expressions!

Habitual expressions like “Am I an idot or what?” or “What’s that good for?” or “Always useless” are unhealthy. Including all the four letter words that role of the tongue of even the most decent citizen while driving. They increase the blood pressure and are bad for creating reality.

You can actually acquire a few fundamentally helpful expressions as a habit. If you realize, you’re yet again critizing yourself or another you can insert a “I revoke” or “Delete!” and then find a more constructive expression. Furthermore it’s all about placing everything in a generally positive light. Aim for finding more kind, or even serene and funny expressions that feel emotionally adequate. And when you doubt, you can put a “I’m opening myself for it.” to at least invite the possibility for a change in direction. That is beneficial for your nerves and your health!

Expressions of acceptance enable pleasant experiences!

Through using more life affirming expression the inner attitude changes. And slowly but steadily thereby the external experience. Furthermore you can acquire the habit of looking generally at everything with more humour and love. And smile more, even if there is nothing to smile about. Your mind will come up with something when your mouth does the movement! This is always more healthy than frowning. For complaining with an honest smile is impossible!

This exercise too can be shared with whomever – may it contribute to the joy in all our lives!